From bottom up.

Posted: November 13, 2012 in Uncategorized

Hi, I’m MotoRolla. You may remember from such internet posts as, “her name is Волчья Стая: My 1981 Suzuki GSX400 E” or “motorbikes’n’rollerskates version 1.0.” Well after a very long hiatus I’ve decided to make my way back to the blogging world as a means of getting myself out of this weird perma-funk that I’ve been in since the shift into the wet, fall weather here in Vancouver. As the title clearly indicates, this blog is about motorbikes, roller skates and everything in between. In other words, I hope you like roller coasters because you’re about to take the front seat on the ride that is my life. This is me, as I am and so I welcome you to my often self-adsorbed but well meaning blog. I hope to be as unfiltered and as honest as possible without giving too much of the specifics away. All I as is that you look into these eyes and try not to judge too harshly because I more than anyone know I’m slightly unhinged 🙂
